Back in 2018 when the birth of Trickle happened, we were just a few people without an office who really loved combining content and distribution. Over the years our family has grown and we mostly hang out in Paradise nowadays (for real – our office is named Paradiset).
In Paradise, we work alongside a bunch of our sister agencies daily and are quite fond of mingling around. However we are also a really tight knit family that frequently hang out – whether it is having a beer after work, playing laser dome, or running a race together.
Content distribution is deff our core (and also very prominent since most of us in the Sthlm office work with distribution) and we have super talented SEM specialists, business developers and sharp strategists! What we all have in common is our strong passion for sharing insights and learning from each other. This is why we as often as we can make sure we have time for things as “kunskapskvart” and taking every chance we get at inviting lecturers to our meetings so that we may pick their brains.
Fun facts:
· Biggest Trickle team is located in Sthlm (there is like 18 of us), but only about half of us are native sthlmare. We are the only team within Trickle that have people working within all the disciplines we offer at Trickle!
· Other than the lovely people that work here, we also have 3 dogs (Nero, Tolla and Sasha) and 9 (!!) kids.
· We are also the only Trickle office that house our very own Brand Manager (Ingo, who is publishing this – hello!)
· Our office not only has an escalator, but also a pizza oven and the whole place is run by our lovely mood manager.